Nutrição e produção de brachiaria brizantha em função do residual de dejetos de suínos


The work evaluated the residual effect of the application of organic fertilizer pigs liquid waste and mineral fertilizer on biomass production of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and nutritional aspects of plant and soil. The experimental design of randomized blocks with five replications. The treatments consisted of the following combinations: T1 = control (without chemical fertilizers and without application of manure), T2 = chemical fertilizer, made according to the analysis of soil, T3 = 50 m 3 dejection.ha -1 , T4 = 100 m 3 dejection.ha -1 and T5 = 150 m 3 dejection.ha -1 . This evaluated the fresh and dry biomass produced more nutrient levels in leaf and soil after cutting the grass. It is concluded that the production of green and dry biomass of cv. Marandu was not influenced by residual fertilization with liquid swine waste and / or mineral fertilizer. The levels of foliar nutrients and soil cultivated with forage grass in question do not generally vary according to the fertilization of residual waste liquid from pig and / or fertilizer.



Gramínea forrageira, Adubo orgânico, Fertilização, Rendimento, Forage grass, Fertilizer, Organic fertilizer, Organic fertilizer, Yield


TEIXEIRA, Gisele Carneiro da Silva; BELTRÃO, Danielle Silva; SIMÕES, Maria Lúcia Martins; LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; ROSA, Beneval. Nutrição e produção de brachiaria brizantha em função do residual de dejetos de suínos. Revista Agrotecnologia, Anápolis, v. 3, n. 2, p. 36-48, 2012.