Uso de medicamentos por idosos: algumas considerações


This article aims to discuss several aspects regarding the use of medicines among elderly people. This topic has become particularly important due to the population aging and the special characteristics of the use of medicines among older people. We carried out a search of Scielo and PubMed databases and some selected articles were discussed. It is emphasized the need for a better understanding of the drug use patterns as an important strategy to inform policies towards health promotion for older people.



Saúde do idoso, Uso de medicamentos, Farmacologia clínica, Aging health, Drug utilization, Clinical pharmacology


COSTA, Renata Mazaro e; LIMA, Vinícius Araújo Barbosa de; PAIVA, Isadora Guimarães; SOUSA, Patrícia Tavares Pereira de; LIMA, Lorena Guimarães. Uso de medicamentos por idosos: algumas considerações. Geriatria & Gerontologia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 2, p. 126-131, 2009.