First record of Neoempheria Osten Sacken (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) biology in the neotropical region, with associations between its larvae and fungi


Members of the family Mycetophilidae (Diptera) have life cycles that are typically associated with fungus. Their biology is relatively well known in the Palaearctic, though other regions are poorly known, and there are no associations recorded between mycetophilid immatures and fungi in the Neotropical region. Here we report the first association between a mycetophilid—Neoempheria puncticoxa Edwards—and fungi in this region. Immatures of N. puncticoxa were collected on fungi and some were reared in the laboratory until adult emergence. The immature stages and adult of N. puncticoxa are described and re-described respectively, and high resolution images and illustrations of the habitus, wings, thorax, male and female terminalia, immatures, and in situ specimens are given.



Immature, Fungivore, Natural history, Biodiversity, Ecology


OLIVEIRA, Sara Siqueira; ALBERTONI, Fabiano Fabian; BORKENT, Christopher James; AMORIM, Dalton S. First record of Neoempheria Osten Sacken (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) biology in the neotropical region, with associations between its larvae and fungi. Biodiversity Data Journal, Sófia, v. 3, e5073, June 2015.