O ensino de biologia celular e tecidual na educação a distância por meio do microscópio virtual


Educational technologies have been used in several areas of knowledge and their main purpose is to enrich and provide a more enjoyable and dynamic learning. In that sense, this paper describes the creation and use of the Microscope in a simulated virtual Augmented Reality (MIAR) developed for the Specialization Course in Applied Technologies to Teaching Biology (SATTB). The MIAR has teaching resources that allowed the graduate students the knowledge of the device, its components and their functions, as well as the analysis of histological slides of various animal and plant tissues viewed virtually, in view of the fact that students can not go to the university. The research was directed at post graduate students in Applied Technologies to Teaching Biology during the discipline of Cell Biology and Tissular Foundations for Teaching. Data collection was done through the use of questionnaires with closed dichotomous questions. We evaluated the evolution of students' conceptions about teaching, content, methodology and functionality of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) specifically using MIAR. The result of this study allowed us to verify that all post graduate students considered the use of the media resources in teaching Cell and Tissular Biology in Distance Education (DE) important. In addition, 100% of students considered it were important and plausible to teach and learn through MIAR. It was also observed that, indeed, the dynamic and technological alternative pedagogical practice, results in satisfaction and better performance in the teaching and learning process of Cellular Tissular Biology and to students of DE. Therefore, it is understood that further research should be conducted to enrich and develop alternatives for more effective teaching based on the context of student, whether he or she is in person or in DE.



MiRA, Novas tecnologias de ensino, Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, Processo de ensino-aprendizagem, TICs, New teaching technologies, Learning virtual environment, Teaching-learning process


FARIA, Joana Cristina Neves de Menezes; ANTUNES, Adriana Maria; OLIVEIRA, Mayara Lustosa de; VIGÁRIO, Ana Flávia; SABÓIA-MORAIS, Simone Maria Teixeira de. O ensino de biologia celular e tecidual na educação a distância por meio do microscópio virtual. Experiências em Ensino de Ciências, Cuiabá, v. 6, n. 3, p. 63-75, 2011.