Descrição da capacidade funcional de idosos institucionalizados


This paper aims to describe the functional capacity of the elderly in the nursing home at city of Uberaba-MG. It is a cross-sectional study, conducted between 2002 and 2003, assessing a total of nineteen charts that were analyzed as a measuring tool for the activities of daily living (ADLs), using the scale Spirduso to collect data. The most frequent age groups were 60-70 years and 70-80 years, 58.0% female and 42.0% male. Presented dependence for washing and ironing, as well as to carry out cleanup activities from home 73.7% of the institutionalized elderly, with 84.2% of the dependency ratio for the care of the feet and nails, regardless of gender and age. From the results obtained, it is concluded that most of the elderly residents in long-stay institutions have difficulties in daily activities requiring physical effort and joint overload. Therefore, it is necessary to follow up this study as a way to increase knowledge about health problems of the elderly as well as their abilities and functional limitations that increasingly can meet the real needs of this population that has been growing in recent years.



Saúde do idoso, Instituição de longa permanência para idosos, Envelhecimento, Geriatria, Esforço físico, Homes for the aged, Health of the elderly, Aging, Geriatrics, Physical exertion


SILVA, Renata Calciolari Rossi et al. Descrição da capacidade funcional de idosos institucionalizados. Colloquium Vitae, Presidente Prudente, v. 4, n. 2, p. 104-110, jul./dez. 2012.