Alterações anatomopatológicas da placenta e variações do índice de Apgar


Objectives: to describe possible placental anatomopathological alterations associated to fetal hypoxia as evaluated by the Apgar score. Methods: one hundred sixty seven placentas of children delivered at the Hospital Escola da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba city were analyzed both macro and microscopically; their clinical records were reviewed as well. Apgar Scores below 7 were considered consistent with fetal hypoxia. Results: placental alterations compatible with inflammatory infiltrate and arterial hypertension were found. The latter was more often diagnosed in fetuses with 5 minutes Apgar scores below 7 (p=0.017). Conclusions: there may be a relationship between placental alterations and fetal hypoxia as diagnosed by the Apgar score. Therefore, the exam of the placenta by the pathologist could be a mean to elucidate a plausible cause of clinically undetected perinatal hypoxia.



Índice de Apgar, Feto, Anoxia, Morfologia, Placenta, Apgar score, Fetus, Morphology


CORRÊA, Rosana Rosa Miranda et al. Alterações anatomopatológicas da placenta e variações do índice de Apgar. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil, Recife, v. 6, n. 2, p. 239-243, abr./jun. 2006