Flora do bioma cerrado: abordagem de estudos da família Acanthaceae Juss - epécies ornamental


The family Acanthaceae Juss. is mainly herbs and shrubs (vines in a few genres), usually with opposite leaves, gamopétala corolla and variable inflorescence. It has mostly tropical distribution, with about 3250 species throughout the world. Economically, the main importance is ornamental, with various genres cultivated for this purpose. The purpose of this study was to survey the species of Acanthaceae used as ornamental in Brazil, by consulting the specialized references. Records were found 69 species in 27 genera. Taxonomic synonyms, brief comments on geographical distribution, morphology targeted for ornamental and form of cultivation most used were inserted.



Acanthaceae, Fanerógamas, Flora, Cerrado, Acanthcacea, Phanerogams, Flora, Cerrado


SARTIN, Rodolph Delfino et al. Flora do bioma cerrado: abordagem de estudos da família Acanthaceae Juss - epécies ornamental. Fronteiras: sociedade, tecnologia e meio ambiente, Anápolis, v. 3, n. 2, p. 164-179, jul./dez. 2014.