Estudo botânico, fitoquímico e fisico-químico de Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbiaceae)


The Euphorbia hirta L. has been used in the treatment of respiratory disorders and as an antispasmodic. This work was carried out to determine the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the leaves, stems and roots of this plant, as these parts are commonly used. Some features of value in their diagnosis were identified and illustrated by photomicrographs. Phytochemical reactions and determination of water and ash contents were carried out in the powder obtained from the whole plant, the part used in Ayurveda phytomedicine. In phytochemical screening, we found flavonoids, mucilage, resins and coumarins. The values of water content, total ashes and acid insoluble ashes were 8.99%, 9.35%, 0.75%, respectively. The data obtained are important for the quality control of the leaves, stems and roots of E. hirta.



Planta medicinal, Controle de qualidade, Erva-andorinha, Farmacognosia, Morfoanatomia, Planta medicinal, Erva-andorinha, Controle de qualidade, Morfoanatomia, Farmacognosia


PINTO, M. V. et al. Estudo botânico, fitoquímico e fisico-químico de Euphorbia hirta L. (Euphorbiaceae). Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Campinas, v. 16, n. 3, supl. 1, p. 649-656, 2014.