Degradation of the commercial herbicide glyphosate by photo-fenton process: evaluation of kinetic parameters and toxicity


Parameters that influence the efficiency of the degradation of glyphosate (addition of Fe2+, simultaneous addition of Fe2+ and Fe3+ at a 1:1 (Fe2+/Fe3+) molar ratio, addition of oxalate and of H2O2) were evaluated at lab-scale. Synergic effects on its degradation and release of phosphate were observed using Fe2+/Fe3+, as well as adding oxalate. On the other hand, the concentration increase of Fe2+/Fe3+, oxalate and H2O2 did not promote a linear increase of glyphosate mineralization and release of phosphate. Using high concentrations of these species, the efficiency of glyphosate mineralization and release of phosphate was constant or even decreased. Under optimized conditions (0.27 mmol L-1 of Fe2+/Fe3+; 1.13 mmol L-1 of oxalate and 10.3 mmol L-1 of H2O2), close results for mineralization and release of phosphate were obtained in lab-scale and using a solar pilot plant. A direct ratio between reducing the toxicity and glyphosate concentration was also observed.



Herbicide, Sunlight, Agricultural effluent, Mineralization, Detoxification


SOUZA, Danilo R. de et al. Degradation of the commercial herbicide glyphosate by photo-fenton process: evaluation of kinetic parameters and toxicity. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Campinas, v. 24, n. 9, p. 1451-1460, Aug. 2013.