Caracterização farmacognóstica de folhas de Davilla elliptica St.-Hil. (Dilleniaceae)


Davilla elliptica St.-Hil. is popularly used in the treatment of hemorrhoid, diarrhea and wounds. The aim of this work was to characterize pharmacognosticaly two leaves samples of D. elliptica. Paradermal and transversal sections had been submitted the usual techniques of optical microscopy. The leaves of D. elliptica are hypostomatics, and the stomata predominantly paracytic. In both epidermis were observed unicellular non-glandular trichomes. The mesophyll is isolateral and shows idioblasts with crystals in raphide. The vascular system in the midrib is constituted by three vascular bundles, forming a circular structure. The petiole shows a circular structure probably formed by union of many vascular bundles localized in the central region. The powdered plant material was submitted to tests of phytochemical prospection, of purity and quantitative. There had been evidenced the presence of tannins, coumarins, resins, fl avonoids, saponins and steroids. The content of total ashes was of 10,32% and 12,26%, insoluble in acid of 7,46% and 9,68%; the humidity of 9,92% and 9,50%. The fl avonoids contents was of 1,20% and 1,48%; the tannins contents was of 9,89% and 13,96%. Because of the reduced number of samples, it was not possible to affi rm through this study that the pharmacognostic profi le de D. elliptica is infl uenced by abiotics factors.



Davilla elliptica, Dilleniaceae, Lixeirinha, Prospecção fitoquímica, Anatomia foliar, Davilla elliptica, Dilleniaceae, Phytochemical prospection, Lixeirinha, Leaves anatomy


SOARES, M. L. et al.Cacterização farmacognóstica de folhas de Davilla elliptica St.-Hil. (Dilleniaceae). Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, Curitiba, v. 15, n.4, p. 352-360, out./dez. 2005.