Seroepidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection and high rate of response to hepatitis B virus Butang® vaccine in adolescents from low income families in central Brazil


In order to evaluate the seroepidemiology and response to Butang® vaccine in adolescents from low income families in Central Brazil, blood samples of 664 adolescents were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc), and hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) markers, and multiple logistical regression analysis was carried out to determine variables associated with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection markers. Further, three 20 μg Butang® vaccine doses were offered to all susceptible individuals (n = 304). Among those who accepted them (n = 182), the seroresponse was evaluated in 170 individuals by quantitative anti-HBs. An overall HBV prevalence of 5.9% was found: four adolescents were HBsAg positive, 24 were anti-HBc, anti-HBsreactive, and 11 were anti-HBc only. The analyse of risk factors showed that age 16-19 years, place of birth outside Goiás, school B and body piercing were statistically associated with HBV infection markers (p < 0.05). All 170 adolescents responded to Butang®, and a geometric mean titer (GMT) of 4344 mUI/ml was obtained. These results reinforce the importance of hepatitis B vaccine in adolescents despite of the HBV regional endemicity, and suggest that three doses of 20 μg of the Butang® should guarantee protective anti-HBs levels to individuals at a critical time for hepatitis B acquiring such as latter adolescence and adulthood.



Hepatitis B, Adolescents, Vaccine, Brazil


OLIVEIRA, Michele Dias da S. et al. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection and high rate of response to hepatitis B virus Butang® vaccine in adolescents from low income families in central Brazil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v. 101, n. 3, p. 251-256, May 2006.