Visões de cientistas e atividade científica na obra Ponto de Impacto de Dan Brown: possibilidades de inserção de elementos de história e filosofia das ciências


Considering the influence of literature on people lives, this study investigates elements concerning views about scientists and scientific work presented in Deception Point, a novel by Dan Brown. Multiple aspects to represent the scientist figure, life and work, emerge from the novel and problematize characteristics that can be considered as a common sense view, or others perspectives based on more contemporaneous philosophical thoughts on science. Reading and analyzing this novel could be an interesting opportunity to insert elements of history and philosophy of science under different focus. This study discusses some elements, from excerpts of the novel, which may become possibilities for debates in Science classes at schools, and in teacher education.



Literatura, Epistemologia da ciência, Cultura científica, Literature, Science epistemology, Scientific culture


FRANCISCO JUNIOR, Wilmo Ernesto; ANDRADE, Danilo Rosa; MESQUITA, Nyuara Araújo da Silva Mesquita. Visões de cientistas e atividade científica na obra Ponto de Impacto de Dan Brown: possibilidades de inserção de elementos de história e filosofia das ciências. Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Florianópolis, v. 32, n. 1, p. 76-98, abr. 2015.