Influência do cimento obturador no sucesso endodôntico


The longitudinal studies about biological sealing provided by the endodontic sealer were evaluated, through the systematic review. It was used sources of bibliographic catalogation identified electronically by MEDLINE (, from 1966 until 14th January 2008. As searching strategy the following terms were used – Sealapex or AH Plus or Epiphany or Kerr Pulp Canal Sealer, or Grossman Sealer or Sealer 26. The searching presented 456 related articles. From 132 in vivo studies, 1 study satisfied the inclusion criteria, what possibilitated the data analysis. It can be inferred that, the sealers containing cal- cium hydroxide or calcium oxide show good results on endodontic success.



Cimentos endodônticos, Revisão sistemática, Selamento biológico, Root canal sealers, Biological seal, Systematic review


ESTRELA, Carlos et al. Influência do cimento obturador no sucesso endodôntico. Robrac: revista odontológica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 16, n. 42, p. 28-36, 2007.