Análise microscópica de polpas de dentes humanos permanentes traumatizados


This study microscopically analyzed the pulp of 20 human permanent traumatized teeth with intact crowns and clinical diagnosis of pulp necrosis, and evaluated this diagnosis concerning histopatologic findings. The removed pulp specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, for evaluation of possible morphological alterations, and Brown e Brenn method, to verify microorganisms. General subjective analysis and statistical analyses (diagnostic analysis) revealed that 3 teeth (15%) did not present pulp tissue, being characterized as complete autolysis; analysis of pulp samples was performed on the other 17 (85%) cases, among which 3 (15%) exhibited partial necrosis without possibility of repair and 14 (70%) presented complete necrosis; in 12 (65%) out of 17 pulps the presence of microorganisms could be conformed by Brown and Brenn method and none of the clinical criteria employed for the diagnosis of pulp necrosis in traumatized teeth was pathognomonic. The present results allowed the following conclusions: concerning the microscopic findings, 100% of traumatized teeth presented pulp necrosis and 65% of them with microorganisms; the pulp vitality tests to heat, cold and vertical percussion test were the most reliable to diagnose pulp necrosis in traumatized teeth.



Traumatismo, Microscopia, Necrose pulpar, Trauma, Pulp necrosis, Microscopy


BRUNO, Kely Firmino et al. Análise microscópica de polpa de dentes humanos permanentes traumatizados. Revista de Odontologia da UNESP, Araraquara, v. 38, n. 1, p. 15-21, 2009.