Root canal filling with calcium hydroxide using diferent techniques


Several different techniques for placing calcium hydroxide into root canals have been proposed, such as amalgam carriers, vertical pluggers, McSpadden compactors, Lentulo drills, files and special syringes. Because correct filling of the root canal is necessary for calcium hydroxide paste to act effectively, the aim of this research was to study different techniques of root canal filling with calcium hydroxide pastes in dog teeth. The placement of calcium hydroxide with a file, absorbent paper points and vertical pluggers presented the lowest number of empty spaces in the three thirds of the root canal, followed by the Lentulo drill and the McSpadden compactor.



Calcium hydroxide, Techniques for placement of dressings, Intracanal dressing, Hidróxido de cálcio, Medicação intracanal, Técnicas de obturação


ESTRELA, Carlos et al. Root canal filling with calcium hydroxide using diferent techniques. Brazilian Dental Journal, Ribeirão Preto, v. 13, n. 1, p. 53-56, 2002.