Influência de estratégias de sanificação no sucesso do tratamento da periodontite apical


Aim: To discuss the influence of root canal sanitization stra- tegies on success in apical periodontitis therapy. Methods: From a critical analysis, it is observed the overestimation of the endo- dontic treatment success. The mechanisms of bacterial virulence of the pulpal infection and their consequences on the periapical tissues must suggest the therapeutic protocols. The criteria to identify the failures have to be revised, particularly due to the radiographic limitations, which suggested a strict approach in adopting an adequate protocol of root canal sanitization. The challenges to obtain a successful endodontic treatment are re- lated to an adequate dental anatomy knowledge, endodontic infection control, immunologic responses involvement, ability and professional continuous education. Conclusions: The adop- tion of a therapeutic protocol that values rigorous in the saniti- zation process of infected canals with apical periodontitis favors endodontic success.



Periodontite apical, Preparo do canal radicular, Sanificação do canal radicular, Medicação intracanal, Irrigação do canal radicular, Apical periodontitis, Root canal sanitization, Root canal preparation, Root canal irrigation, Intracanal dressing


ESTRELA, Carlos et al. Influência de estratégias de sanificação no sucesso do tratamento da periodontite apical. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 21, n. 56, p. 367-375, 2012.