Avaliação radiográfica da posição e forma do forame mentual em uma subpopulação Brasileira


Objective: It was evaluated the position and shape of mental foramen on digital panoramic radiographs in a Brazilian sub- population. Material and Methods: Five hundred and eighteen panoramic radiographs were consecutively selected from a sec- ondary database from a private radiology clinic and analyzed according to age, gender and symmetry. Two specialists in den- tal radiology determined the horizontal and vertical positions and the format of 1036 mental foramen. Results: The highest frequency of the mental foramen was located between the long axis of the first and second premolars (55.89%). There was no difference in horizontal position in relation to gender and age Symmetries were observed in 68.91% of the sample. The vertical positioning of the foramen showed a common location below the apex of the first and second lower premolars (55.31%). Dif- ference in vertical relationship was observed only in patients aged 10 to 20 years. Symmetries were observed in 84.36% of cases. A large number of mental foramen had undefined/irregu- lar contours (62.74%), with symmetries in 68.15%. Conclusion: The mental foramen is commonly presented below and between the first and second premolars and with undefined/irregular format.



Anatomia, Radiografia panorâmica, Forame mentual, Mandíbula, Anatomy, Panoramic radiograph, Mandible, Mental foramen


GUEDES, Orlando A. Avaliação radiográfica da posição e forma do forame mentual em uma subpopulação Brasileira. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 53, p. 160-165, 2011.