Infiltração microbiana em dentes portadoresde restaurações provisórias


This study aimed to determine the microbial coronal leakage of temporary restorative materials when em- ploying IRM, Cavit or Vitremer, by means of differents microbial indicators. Thus, 50 single-rooted human teeth were used, which were shaped until the file size 50 and assigned to 3 experimental groups. Two groups was used as control. In the study model, a platform was employed, which was split in two halves: an upper chamber – where the microbial suspension containing the biological indicators was introduced (E. faecalis + S. aureus + P. aeruginosa + B. subtilis + C. albicans); and a lower chamber containing the culture medium Brain Heart Infusion, in which 5 mm of the apical region of teeth (coronal third) were kept immersed. Interpre- tations of the time to occur microbial leakage were made daily for 60 days, using the turbidity of the culture medium which is indicative of microbial contamination, as a reference. The results showed that in the teeth from groups 1 (IRM) and 2 (Cavit) occurred microbial leakage after 7 days. In the group 3 (Vitremer) it was not observed microbial leakage at intervals of 7 to 60 days.



Infiltração microbiana, Microbial infiltration, Selador provisório, Selamento coronário, Temporary restorative materials, Coronal seal


ESTRELA, Cyntia Rodrigues de Araújo et al. Infiltração microbiana em dentes portadoresde restaurações provisórias. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 19, n. 44, p. 138-145, 2008.