Política das artes: Mário Pedrosa e a defesa da arte independente

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Rosana Horio Monteiro


Since the decade of 1940 to the decade of 1950, Mário Pedrosa's writings enhanced the revolutionary importance of the aesthetic dimension. If the connection between art and mass production seemed to accomplish the democratic and socialists objectives in the modern world, the aesthetic dimension was capable to offer to the men the width of the social transformation that it was processed. From the Russian constructivism to the renewed manifestations of the constructive tendency - among them, the concretism - sought to aim at the artistic work, inserting its in the collective activity of the society based on the planning of the production. That was the great contribution of the modern art, that it approximated the artists and workers.



Mário Pedrosa, Projeto construtivo, Revista vanguarda socialista, Política das artes, Constructive project, Review socialist vanguard, Politics of the arts


MARI, Marcelo. Política das artes: Mário Pedrosa e a defesa da arte independente. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 1, jan./jun. 2009. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/VISUAL/article/view/18187/10842>.