Heart rate response during a simulated Olympic boxing match is predominantly above ventilatory threshold 2: a cross sectional study


The present study aimed to describe heart rate (HR) responses during a simulated Olympic boxing match and examine physiological parameters of boxing athletes. Ten highly trained Olympic boxing athletes (six men and four women) performed a maximal graded exercise test on a motorized treadmill to determine maximal oxygen uptake (52.2 mL ⋅ kg -1 ⋅ min -1 ± 7.2 mL ⋅ kg -1 ⋅ min -1 ) and ventilatory thresholds 1 and 2. Ventilatory thresholds 1 and 2 were used to classify the intensity of exercise based on respective HR during . a boxing match. In addition, oxygen uptake (V O 2 ) was estimated during the match based on . the HR response and the HR-V O 2 relationship obtained from a maximal graded exercise test for each participant. On a separate day, participants performed a boxing match lasting three rounds, 2 minutes each, with a 1-minute recovery period between each round, during which . HR was measured. In this context, HR and V O 2 were above ventilatory threshold 2 during . 219.8 seconds ± 67.4 seconds. There was an increase in HR and V O 2 as a function of round (round 3  round 2  round 1, P  0.0001).These findings may direct individual training programs for boxing practitioners and other athletes.



Heart rate, Combat sports, Physiological profile, Intermittent exercise, Boxing


LIRA, Claudio Andre Barbosa de et al. Heart rate response during a simulated Olympic boxing match is predominantly above ventilatory threshold 2: a cross sectional study. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, London, v. 10, n. 4, p. 175-182, July 2013.