Estudo da dispensação de medicamentos anti – retrovirais a pacientes infectados por HIV no serviço de farmácia do HC-UFG: primeiro passo na implantação da atenção farmacêutica


In this work we evaluated the antiretroviral dispensation to patients enrolled at the special service pharmacy at the Hospital das Clínicas/UFG; in particular the pharmacoepidemiology, the therapeutic schedule, the monthly medicine acquisition, therapeutic schedule´s changes, and adhesion were investigated. All the recorded patients were adult, 91(71.6%) male and 36(28.4%) female. Most of them (47.2%) had only elemental scholarship and also were married or with a stable relationship. The male group has age range of 31-41 years, whereas the female group had age range of 41-50 years. Regarding to the monthly medicine acquisition in the pharmacy service, 71 (55.9%) of the patients persisted receiving the antiretroviral regularly, while 56 (44.1%) of the patients had no monthly acquired the medicines or acquired intermittently. The data point out to the importance of the establishment of pharmaceutical care service for advising the HIV infected patients, which could improve the patient adhesion to the therapeutic schedule.



Aids, Anti-retrovirais, Dispensação, Antiretroviral, Dispensation


NOGUEIRA, Iara Antônia Lustosa; LEÃO, Aryane Bueno Berquó; BUENO, Rúbia R.; SOARES, Amanda Queiroz; CARVALHO, Renata Figueiredo. Estudo da dispensação de medicamentos anti – retrovirais a pacientes infectados por HIV no serviço de farmácia do HC-UFG: primeiro passo na implantação da atenção farmacêutica. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 4, n. 1, p. 104-112, jan./jun. 2007. Disponível em: <>.