Clínica integrada de ensino odontológico: perfil dos usuários e necessidades odontológicas


The Comprehensive Dental Care Clinic (CDCC) aims at pro- viding appropriate care for all patients’ individual general den- tal needs and developing the competence of dental students to diagnose, plan and perform general dental procedures.The aim of the present study was to identify the profile of patients and types of dental procedures performed on the CDCC of the Scho- ol of Dentistry of the Federal University of goias, Brazil. It was a retrospective study of dental records (n = 652) of patients treated at the CDCC in the period between 2004 and 2009. Most patients were female (67.8%) and the predominant age range was 30 to 50 years (51.9%). Most were employed and the most prevalent occupation was self-employed professionals in various catego- ries of workers, and residents in Goiania, the capital of the State of Goias (71.5%). The main reported chief complaint was too- thache (32.8%). Typical dental needs were associated to caries and edentulousness, and consequent predominance of general dental procedures (restorative, periodontal and prosthodontic). Conversely, combination of dental treatment needs of the indi- vidual patient was not the recommended in many cases, sugges- ting improvement in the screening procedures of patients.



Clínica de ensino, Documentação, Odontologia, Clinical education, Dentistry, Documentation


REIS, Sandra C. G. B.; SANTOS, Laura B.; LELES, Cláudio R. Clínica integrada de ensino odontológico: perfil dos usuários e necessidades odontológicas. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 52, p. 46-51, 2011.