Prevalência do nível de formação da veia cava caudal no cão


The caudal cava vein in the dog is the way to drain the blood that comes from the pelvis and the back limbs. The caudal cava vein formed by the level of union of the common iliac veins – left and right, can show variation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the level of prevalence of the caudal cava vein formation of the dog. One hundred and four (104) of none defined breed dogs were researched. They were of both gender and fixed in formalin aqueous solution, also dissected and macroscopically analyzed to the level of the caudal cava vein formation. The caudal cava vein showed the formation frequency of 1,93% to the level of the L3 and L6 lumber vertebras. Also prevailing the 95,19% to the level of the seventh (7th) lumber vertebra. The circumflex deep iliac veins – right and left showed the drain to the caudal cava vein, both cranially to the level of its formation (in 92,31% of the cases), and 3,85% to the level of these formation. These vessels also showed with drain, both to the common iliac veins (2,89%), or in 0,96% of the cases with the right circumflex deep iliac vein to the caudal cava vein, and the left circumflex deep iliac vein to the left common iliac vein. In 1,93%, happened a link between the common iliac veins, right and left. So its formation in the dog vary between L3 and L7 – being more frequent in this last level. The circumflex deep iliac veins drain cranially to the level of the formation of the caudal cava vein. But in less frequency to one or both common iliac veins. The study showed that the variations in the level of formation of the caudal cava vein that didn’t harm the drain of the pelvis and back limb in these animals.



Veia cava, Anatomia, Cão, Cava vein, Anatomy, Dog


MATA, João Roberto da; SOUZA, Paulo Roberto de; CRUZ, Viviane de Souza; SILVA, Marcelo Seixo de Brito e; MATA, Fabiana Ribeiro da. Prevalência do nível de formação da veia cava caudal no cão. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 6, n. 4, p. 62-72, out./dez. 2009. Disponível em: <>.