Cadeia produtiva da mandioca no município de Jussara-GO: um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva das teorias de canais de distribuição e dos custos de transação


The aim of this study was to analyze the channels distribution and the transaction costs of cassava in the municipality of Jussara-GO. Beforehand, it is known that the cultivation of cassava has great importance to family farming, especially in the geographic area studied. The primary data collected in twenty-two farms showed that most of their income comes from cassava production and marketing to local processing industries. Thus, it was of paramount importance to elucidate the mechanisms, both of distribution, as the transaction costs involved in marketing between producers and processing industries. The attributes of frequency, uncertainty and asset specificity are strongly present and imply bottlenecks in the production process, because 90% of the market transactions are performed without any kind of formal arrangement between the parties involved. Given this, building reputation with buyers and / or suppliers becomes critical as a strategy of reducing transaction costs.



Economia dos custos de transação, Comercialização de mandioca, Mercado de mandioca, Transaction cost economics, Cassava marketing, Cassava market


OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Osmar de Paula; WANDER, Alcido Elenor Wander; CUNHA, Cleyzer Adrian da. Cadeia produtiva da mandioca no município de Jussara-GO: um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva das teorias de canais de distribuição e dos custos de transação. Revista de Administração da UEG, Aparecida de Gioânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 128-136, jan./abr. 2014.