Transição agroecológica na agricultura familiar: relato de experiência em Goiás e Distrito Federal


This paper presents agroecological experiences that are being developed in several properties of Goiás and Distrito Federal, the fruit of a voyage of coordinated, international students and scholars at the Center for Study and Research in Family Agriculture - NEAF, Federal University of Goias, Campus of Goiás, which occurred in the first half of 2010. The study aimed to visualize experiments agroecology that are being developed at Embrapa Rice and Beans, St. Anthony's Uninsured / GO, and see the changes in some properties that have gone through or are going through the process of agroecological transition. The results of the visits indicate the possibility of deploying systems in the same way in the southwestern region of Goiás.



Transição agroecológica, Agroecologia, Agricultores familiares, Agroecological transition, Agroecology, Family farmers


JESUS, Poliana Pereira et al. Transição agroecológica na agricultura familiar: relato de experiência em Goiás e Distrito Federal . Campo – Território: revista de geografia agrária, Uberlândia, v. 6, n. 11, p. 363-375, fev. 2011.