Variação estacional do óleo essencial em arnica (lychnoforaericoides mart.)


Lychnophora ericoides Mart., commonly known as arnica, is typical of campos rupestres and belongs to the family Asteraceae. In the farmacotherapeutic aspect it is used as anti-inflammatory and anesthetic among other applications. Aiming at defining the best period to collect the plant, it was necessary to trace the seasonal profile of the essential oil content, not identified so far. For that, preserved areas in Cristalina and Vianópolis, two cities located in the state of Goiás, in the Midwestern Region of Brazil were chosen. The plants were collected from July 2001 to July 2002. Samples of each area were submitted to extraction by hydrodistillation and 71 components were found in the essential oil of this plant. The samples of essential oil extracted were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The plants collected in Cristalina presented higher amount of oil compared to the ones from Vianópolis, showing the highest percentages in September 2001 and November 2001. No significant difference was observed in oil content of the plants collected in Vianópolis.



Arnica, Asteraceae, Lychnophora ericoides Mart., Óleo essencial, Essential oi


COSTA, Marco Antônio Curado da; JESUS, José Garcia de; FARIAS, João Gaspar; NOGUEIRA, João Carlos Monh; OLIVEIRA, André Luiz Ribas de. Variação estacional do óleo essencial em arnica (lychnoforaericoides mart.). Revista de Biologia Neotropical, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 53-65, jan./jun. 2008. Disponível em: <>.