Opinião dos participantes sobre as atividades científicas ministradas no 3o Congresso Goiano de Odontopediatria, 2009


Objective: To describe a method of evaluati on and present parti cipants’ opinions of scienti fi c acti viti es taking place during the 3rd Goiás Pediatric Denti stry Congress. Method: At they entered each session, the 189 parti cipants received a form containing closed questi ons for a general evaluati on of the session and of each scienti fi c acti vity and a place for spontaneous comments. Scores on the scale used to answer the closed questi ons were “5- Excellent”, “4 – Very good”, “3 – Good”, “2 – Fair” and “1 – Poor”. Absolute and relati ve frequencies were calculated for the general session evaluati on questi ons. To evaluate the specifi c scienti fi c acti viti es, the means obtained from minimum and maximum scores were calculated on the basis of the number of questi ons (3 or 4) and the scale values (1 to 5). The spontaneous comments were categorize as favorable or unfavorable and divided into topic groups. Results: Analysis of 209 forms revealed that 96% to 98% of respondents found the sessions “good” or “excellent”. The specifi c scienti fi c acti viti es averaged 13.2 to 13.8 points (maximum 15) or 14.5 to 19.0 points for those with a total possible score of 20 points. There were 24 favorable and 33 unfavorable comments Conclusion: The respondents gave a favorable opinion about the scienti fi c acti viti es carried out during the event. The evaluati on method needs to be improved so that other scienti fi c meeti ngs can quanti tati vely measure the parti cipants’ opinions.



Estudos de avaliação, Instrumentos, Avaliação institucional, Evaluati on studies, Institutional evaluation, Instruments


CASTRO, Anelise Daher Vaz; VIEIRA, Liliani Aires Candido; COSTA, Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da. Opinião dos participantes sobre as atividades científicas ministradas no 3o Congresso Goiano de Odontopediatria, 2009. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada,Campina Grande, v. 6, 2009.