O ciclo de vida da criança Tapuia


The Tapuia of Carretão people residing in the municipalities of Rubiataba and Nova América-Goiás are descendants of three indigenous peoples, including Karajá, Xavante and Kaiapó, including blacks and whites. After many years of this miscegenation, our people acquired various customs from these different peoples. Much is discussed about children’s learning, how and with whom they learn. In our community we can observe that each family has its different customs and traditions, and each indigenous trunk predominates depending from the family that it is descended. At every stage of the child’s life she learns from the people around her. But we can notice that it depends on each family, because each one has its particularity. In some families it may be noted that the mother or father takes more responsibility for the teaching being in some families the mother and in others the father. Learning the life of the Tapuia people is continuous because it is something that you never fail to acquire. If we are older, we learn from our children and grandchildren. We learn from friends, from the family, from our elders, from our caciques, from our leaders. We learn to value our cultures and traditions, to value the teachings that our grandparents and great-grandparents have left us. Therefore, each lived experience is very important in the formation of the person, although one can perceive that the most significant cycle would be the phase of old age that is where many experiences were lived and if you have the opportunity to pass them on, and where much knowledge is acquired. That is why the old Tapuia are always seen with respect and admiration, followed soon after by the phase of the uterus and early childhood, for they are the cycles in which the child is in a more direct contact with the World, beginning to learn colors and tastes and forming intellectually and sentimentally. This will reflect in adulthood into old age. Each phase has its particularity and individuality. It is enough to respect all that we will learn from each one, because all have their special value and each transition phase has its identity, its attitude and its time to unfold.



Povo Tapuia, Ciclo de vida da criança, Família, Anciãos e lideranças, Tapuia people, Child’s life cycle, Family, Elders and leaders


SILVA, Adriana Rosário da; SANTOS, Daiane Aparecida Ferreira dos; RODRIGUES, Eunice da Rocha Moraes; MORAES, Gracilene Chaves de; COSTA, Silma Aparecida da Silva. O ciclo de vida da criança Tapuia. Articulando e Construindo Saberes, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 1, p. 496-513, jan./dez. 2017. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/racs/article/view/49031/24048.