Iny-ki ijasò riòrarunyre-my ijyy

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Maria do Socorro Pimentel da Silva


Waõmysỹdỹỹna ‘Ijareheni ibrùhùkỹ’ hèka iny bdèdỹỹnanarèny rbi rùsare, taikimy tahè idi raõmysỹdỹỹnyre ãriixixanykremy. Mykimy tahè wahãwã-ki okutyhymy rèwinyre, iny ièrydù mahãdù tahè sõèmy tai riwawiòhènanyrènyre, idi raõmysỹdỹỹnyreu ‘Ijareheni Ibrùhùkỹ’ wiu reeryre, tùle timybo riòrarùnymyhỹre reeryre. Kaa waõmysỹdỹỹna rbi iny mahãdù tùle rierykre ibdèdỹỹnana, taiki tasỹ rirùrùtèrènykre rexixa tyhykremy ‘Ijareheni Ibrùhùkỹ’ widỹỹ. Mynamy tahè ijasò bdèdỹỹnanaki, iny aõ òbitimy aõkõ riwinykre wna òrarùna rare, taiki tahè ùtrètrèmy ijareheni raibrùhùkỹnyõmyhỹre. Kiè.
My theme of the project ‘Ijareheni Ibrùhùkỹ’ is one of the knowledge that was forgotten, so I worked on this theme, did research, searched the information to try to rescue this knowledge that was devalued. Therefore, for the first time, through my research and with the help of the community, mainly with the help of the interviewees, I was able to put this knowledge into practice in my village. In addition, I joined the theme, learned singing, learned the rules that are used to practice this knowledge. Therefore, I hope that people learn to practice this knowledge through my work, but with great caution at the time of practice, all small and great knowledge related to Ijasò demanded secrecy and rule to follow.



Conhecimento, Ijareheni, Ibrùhùkỹ, Norma, Ijasò, Ijareheni, Ibrùhùkỹ, Ijasò, Wiu, Bdèdỹỹnana, Knowledge, Norms and rules


KARAJÁ, Teijolori. Iny-ki ijasò riòrarunyre-my ijyy. Articulando e Construindo Saberes, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 1, p. 14-33, jan./dez. 2018. Disponível em: