Teste da orelhinha no recém-nascido: sentimentos e expectativas maternas em relação ao resultado


Introduction: Concern for the hearing grows every day, for deafness represents the most prevalent disease present at birth, compared to other diseases. Aim: This is a descriptive study in qualitative boarding that has as objective to investigate the maternal feelings and expectations expressed by the newborn mothers concerning the result of the ear test. Methods: Eleven mothers had been interviewed, in an academic public hospital in Goiás, whose babies had presented absence of emissions in the first test, being directed for retest. The data had been collected by means of individual interview with the newborn mothers and the following parameters had been analyzed: suspicion on the hearing of the son, knowledge about the deafness and expectations about the result. Results : The analysis of the mothers´ expressed speeches evidenced many emotional reactions according to the knowledge and suspicion of the mother about the son’s hearing. Conclusions: The deafness diagnosis is not easy to be communicated because it’s a difficult situation and it causes suffering to the parents. Considering the importance that demands the moment, the family deserves special attention of the health professionals involved in the process, before a deafness diagnosis.



Perda auditiva, Recém-nascido, Emoções, Testes diagnósticos de rotina, Hearing loss, Infant, Newborn, Emotions, Diagnostic tests, Routine


GUIMARÃES, Valeriana de Castro; BARBOSA, Maria Alves; COSTA, Claudiney Candido. Teste da orelhinha no recém-nascido: sentimentos e expectativas maternas em relação ao resultado. Revista Goiana de Medicina, Goiânia, v. 45, n. 1, p. 28, abr. 2014.