Indocianina verde em tumores da coróide

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The authors report the findings of digital indocyanine green videoangiography in the diffe rential diagnosis of choroidal tumors. There were 1 3 cases: 3 hemangiomas, 4 osteomas, 3 metastatic carcinomas and 3 malignant mela­ nomas. Proper and steady angiographic characteristics were recognised, allowing to identify and diffe rentiate hemangioma, osteoma and metastatic carcinoma among them and from pigmented tumo rs, including malignant melanoma. However, such indocyanine green angiography findings a tone, show no unequivocal diagnostic signi­ ficance in pigmented choroidal tumors. Based on these observations, the authors conclude that the indocyanine green choroidal angiography in choroidal tumors, gives to th is new exa m ination technique, a limited diagnostic usefulness in the context of the diffe rential diagnosis of choroidal tumors.



lndocianina verde, Melanoma maligno da coróide, Carcinoma metastático da coróide, Tumores da coróide, Hemangioma da coróide, Osteoma da coróide, Indocyanine green, Choroidal malignant melanoma, Choroidal tumors, Choroidal metastatic carcinoma, Choroidal hemangioma, Choroidal osteoma


CIALDINI, Arnaldo; ÁVILA, Marcos de. Indocianina verde em tumores da coróide. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, São Paulo, v. 61, n. 2, p. 210-222, 1998.