Índice de preços para produtos hortifrutigranjeiros em Goiás


The objective of this article is to develop a price index for fruits and vegetables marketed in the wholesale in the sate of Goias. To build the index, a few fundamental steps reported in the literature were followed. The Centered Moving Geometric Average method was used to analyze the seasonality of the series. The data made available by the Food Supply Center (CEASA-GO) allowed building a price index in a satisfactory manner. The price index series presented a pattern of seasonal variation in the analyzed period. It is concluded that the general level of fruit and vegetable prices marketed in the wholesale in Goiás is higher in the months of January to May.



Índice de preço, Hortifrutigranjeiros, Atacado, Goiás, Price index, Fruits and vegetables, Wholesale, Brazil


MACHADO, André Grossi; OLIVEIRA NETO, Odilon José de; FIGUEIREDO, Reginaldo Santana. Índice de preços para produtos hortifrutigranjeiros em Goiás. Informações Econômicas, São Paulo, v. 39, n. 1, p. 19-31, jan. 2009.