Investigação das concepções sobre higiene e uso de metodologias alternativas


This paper shows the results of research about hygiene. The sample group was from a school in the municipality Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. The group studied was composed of 19 pupils from both the nursery and basic education phases of the school. This study aims to research of spontaneous conceptions and propose a roadmap of activities on identify the contributions of a teaching method, centered in a ludic education approach, for the teaching and learning of students in the health area. To assess the responses from the children, an interview was made using an experimental methodology was applied with one of the groups surveyed. Students who participated in the methodological activity, were interviewed again. The main perceptions showed that the developed game made the learning process easier and allowed a stronger involvement, moments of distraction and enabled subjects review and it showed that previous knowledge was demanded. Based on these results some educational implications are presented for discussion in the early years.



Conceitos prévios, Higiene e metodologia de ensino, Previous conceptions, Hygiene, teaching methodology


GOLDSCHMIDT, Andréa Inês; GOLDSCHMIDT JÚNIOR, José Luiz; MICHELOTTI, Angela; SILVA, Vagner; LORETO, Elgion Lucio da Silva. Investigação das concepções sobre higiene e uso de metodologias alternativas. Amazônia: revista de Educação em Ciências e Matemática, Belém, v. 10, n. 19, p. 94-105, ago./dez. 2013.