Transdisciplinaridade: uma análise preliminar das publicações do portal de periódicos da capes


This article aims to map the research (theses and dissertations) held in Brazil on or from the transdisciplinary theme seeking to identify where (regional and institutional location) jobs are produced and how this theme appears in these surveys. The work was characterized as a documentary analysis, exploratory in Bank of Theses and Dissertations from CAPES. The search was from the term "transdisciplinary" summaries of research in the period 01/2010 to 09/2014. 159 papers on the subject, these 23 (14.5%) were classified in the field of education were found. Regarding the place of these productions, the results indicate a polarization of work between the South and Midwest regions of the country (30.4% each) being specifically UNB institution with the largest number of jobs (17.4%). The resul-State found is related to the Research Group "Education, Human Ecology and Transdisciplinarity" located on the instution. The idea in this research appears as transdisciplinary theoretical framework or methodological principle in the introduction, objectives, and methodology of the study (65.2%). Already 34.8% transdisciplinarity appears as a result, proposition or referral. It was not possible to clearly identify the framers' conception of transdisciplinarity summaries, thus we believe that the analysis of the goals and methods in the body of the text of theses and dis- sertações to be held later may indicate elements that diverge / converge with the assumptions of transdisci-plinaridade and can thus support inferences about the conceptual nature of this issue in such research.



Transdisciplinaridade, Teses e dissertações, Educação, Transdisciplinarity, Theses and dissertations, Education


GUIMARÃES, Simone Sendin Moreira; GOLDSCHMIDT, Andréa Inês; PARANHOS, Rones de Deus; SILVA, Karolina Martins Almeida e. Transdisciplinaridade: uma análise preliminar das publicações do portal de periódicos da capes. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 20, p. 820-829, 2015.