Práticas populares adotadas nos cuidados em saúde da criança


The purposes of this article were: to identify the main popular resources that mothers/ fathers or persons in charge of children use in child health care, and to investigate the credibility deposited on those resources in face of those offered by the biomedical system. This descriptive - analytical research was developed with 20 parents or persons in charge of children between 0 and 1 year old, attended at a Basic Unit of the Family Health Program in Firminópolis – GO, Brazil, between July and November 2004. Data analysis has been accomplished by means of Content Analysis. Two thematic categories were identified: popular resources and child health; popular practices and allopath - the familiarity between distinct knowledge. It has been concluded that the use of popular practices remains solid, however it suffers significant influence from traditional medicine, and that its credibility is based on an empirical process, which projects itself along generation successions.



Cuidado da criança, Medicina tradicional, Terapia complementar, Cultura, Child care, Traditional medicine, Complementary therapy, Culture


SOUZA, Marcus Antônio de; MELO, Márcia Borges de; SILVEIRA JÚNIOR, Raul Soares; BARBOSA, Maria Alves; SIQUEIRA, Karina Machado; MARTINS, Cleusa Alves; SOUZA, Márcia Maria de; BRASIL, Virgínia Visconde. Práticas populares adotadas nos cuidados em saúde da criança. Revista Enfermagem UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 14, n. 4, p. 512-517, out./dez. 2006.