Relação do paciente surdo com o médico

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Non-verbal communication is important when caring for deaf patients, fostering excellence in health care. Aim: an analysis of the legal and sociocultural aspects of the relation between deaf patients and physicians. Methods: Computerized databases for the period between 1996 and 2006 were used for collecting data; the keywords “patient”, “deaf person”, “communication” and “health” were used. A non-systematic search was made in scientific publications. Results: These studies were grouped into two categories: communication between deaf patients and physicians, who has to deal with communication barriers when caring for deaf patients, and the importance of non-verbal communication in healthcare. Deaf persons, their language, and their relation with physicians show the importance of sign language, endorsed by the Federal Law 10.436/02. Conclusions: When deaf patients and physicians meet, they need to overcome communication barriers that may hinder the necessary bond in healthcare and the care that is provided; this may also affect the diagnosis and treatment. It is clear that public institutions should create programs for training healthcare professionals in the appropriate care of deaf patients.



Comunicação, Linguagem de sinais, Pessoas com insuficiência auditiva, Relações médico-paciente, Surdez, Communication, Sign language, Hearing-impaired persons, Relation between physician and patient, Deafness


CHAVEIRO, Neuma; PORTO, Celmo Celeno; BARBOSA, Maria Alves. Relação do paciente surdo com o médico. Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, São Paulo, v. 75, n. 1, p. 147-150, 2009.