Triagem em serviços de saúde: percepções dos usuários

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The objective of this study was to discuss the perception of users on the attention they receive from a Triage Service of the public health net of Goiânia-GO, Brazil, coordinated and executed by nurses. It is a descriptive research of a qualitative approach using case studies. Data collection has been accomplished by semi-structured individual interviews of 66 users, undertaken between February and June of 2004. The satisfaction of the users in relation to the received attendance prevailed, and aspects as service quickness, achievement of solutions and humanization in treatment were emphasized. However, users were not satisfied with the forwarding to other health services and with the delay in making appointments for consultations by specialists. The conclusion was that the satisfaction of the user is related to the characteristics that facilitate the attendance and the quality of the service. This research intends to contribute for the reordering of activities and to the improvement of the quality of the attendance. We consider responsibility, link and respect as factors that should be integrated to the attendance given by health services.



Assistência à saúde, Satisfação de usuário, Serviço de triagem, Humanização da assistência, Health assistance, User satisfaction, Triage service, Assistance humanization


AZEVEDO, Jany Mary Rezende; BARBOSA, Maria Alves. Triagem em serviços de saúde: percepções dos usuários. Revista Enfermagem UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 15, n. 1, p. 33-39, jan./mar. 2007.