Fatores terapêuticos em grupo de diabéticos


The objective of the present research was to analyze the therapeutic factors identified in the accounts of the participants of a group of people with diabetes. An exploratory, assessing research carried out by means of semi-structured interviews pinpointed the following therapeutic factors: information availability (100%); cohesion (100%); universality (86%); interpersonal learning (57%); development of socialization techniques (57%); altruism (28.5%); imitative behavior (28.5%); and hope stimulus (28.5%). The implementation of group intervention actions for the promotion of self-care towards diabetes carriers can generate a beneficial interaction among group members, thus allowing for experience exchange processes, as well as a broader understanding of the disease and other positive experiences evidenced by the presence of the therapeutic factors.



Educação em saúde, Diabetes mellitus, Cuidados de enfermagem, Estrutura de grupo, Health education, Diabetes mellitus, Nursing care, Group structure, Educación en salud, Atención de enfermería, Estructura de grupo


OLIVEIRA, Nunila Ferreira de; MUNARI, Denize Bouttelet; BACHION, Maria Marcia; SANTOS, Waterlânia Silva; SANTOS, Queiliene Rosa dos. Fatores terapêuticos em grupos de diabéticos. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, São Paulo, v. 43, n. 3, p. 558-565, 2009.