Leishmaniose visceral americana no Hospital Materno Infantil de Brasília - DF


They were revised through standardized record, a representative sample of the existent promptuary in the Book of Registration of the Service of Infected-Parasitic disease of HMIB. The population objective was 0-9 year-old children that presented diagnosis of LVA, in the period from 01/09/98 to 01/09/00, except the month of January that no interned child was registered. In the end of the research 23 were analyzed patient: 56,52% (13) of the masculine sex, 82,6% are smaller of 5 years of age. They were born in GO: 26,1% (6), BA: 26,1%, MA: 13,1% (3), MG: 4,3% (1), PI: 4,3%; and they came from GO: 39,1% (9), DF: 21,7% (5), MG: 13,1% (3), BA: 13,1% (3), MA: 8,7% (2), AL 4,3% (1). THE diagnosis had confirmation parasitology in 65,25% (15) of the cases and serology in 8,7% (2). The high hospital was granted in function of the patient’s improvement in 56,6% (13), for clinical cure in 21,7% (5), transfer in 4,3% (1) and a child went to death. These data reinforce the need of the knowledge of the dynamics of this disease, in an area considered up to now I not eat endemic, for the probable urbanization risks, due to the simultaneous migration (verified) of people and its reservoirs canine, both infected, as to potential geographical dispersion of Lutzomyia longipalpis and/or of another species vectorial suspicion.



Calazar infantil, Brasília, Leishmaniose visceral, Infatile kalazar, American visceral leishmaniasis, Brasília


COSTA, Jaqueline de Deus; GARCÍA-ZAPATA, Marco Tulio A. Leishmaniose visceral americana no Hospital Materno Infantil de Brasília - DF. Universitas: ciências da saúde, Brasília, DF, v. 1, n. 2, p. 2-7, 2003.