A religiosidade dos idosos: significados, relevância e operacionalização na percepção dos profissionais de saúde


Our objectives were to identify the meanings of religiosity for the health professionals; to reveal health professionals’ perception about the relation between religiosity and the old people’s health; and to characterize health professionals’ attitudes relative to religiosity while performing the attendance to the elderly. We have accomplished an exploratory research with the students of a Specialization in Gerontology Course, in Goiânia (GO), in 2001. The sample consisted of forty-two professionals, who answered a questionnaire. For the analysis of the answers, we have used the model proposed by Bogam and Biklen (1994).We have identified four categories of analysis: defining religiosity; the relation between religiosity and the old person’s health; the applicability of religiosity in the assistance of the elderly - from possibility to practice, and perceived difficulties in applying religiosity in the assistance of the old people’s health. We have concluded that religiosity is present in the personal and private life of the professionals and is accepted as an important health factor. Its applicability in the old person’s health assistance, however, is surrounded by fears and conflicts.



Idoso, Religião, Saúde, Elderly, Religion, Health


VALENTE, Neide Maria de Lourdes de Morais; BACHION, Maria Márcia; MUNARI, Denize Bouttelet. A religiosidade dos idosos: significados, relevância e operacionalização na percepção dos profissionais de saúde. Revista Enfermagem UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 12, n. 1, p. 11-17, 2004.