Avaliação da qualidade protéica de dois suplementos alimentares em ratos Wistar


The aim of this research was to evaluate the protein quality of two dietary supplements - a protein formulate (a product in test) and gelatin. Six groups of six weanling male Wistar rats were fed with the different diets for fourteen days: control (C 10 - casein), protein formulate (FP 10 ) and gelatin (G 10 ) at 10 % protein level; mixtures with casein and protein formulate (C 7 FP 3 ) or gelatin (C 7 G 3 ) (7:3 in protein base, respectively); and non-protein diet. The protein formulate diets showed good quality protein, according to Net Protein Ratio (NPR) and Net Protein Utilization (NPU) indexes, without significant differences between C 7 FP 3 and C 10 (NPR= 4.00 and 4.11, and NPU= 65% and 67%, respectively). The animals fed with gelatin (G 10 ) and with non-protein diet lost body weight and their liver weights were similar and lower than the liver weights of the other groups of rats (p<0.05). The protein value of the mixture casein-gelatin (C 7 G 3 ) was lower than the value of casein (relative NPR= 77 %, p<0.05). Protein formulate is a source of good quality protein and its use could be indicated in special situations as a dietary supplement. Gelatin, on its turn, could not be considered a nutritional complement or supplement because it does not supply the organism protein requirements and could impair the biological availability of good quality proteins.



Suplemento alimentar, Ratos, Suplemento nutricional, Disponibilidade biológica nutricional, Gelatina, Colágeno hidrolisado, Proteína, Food supplement, Nutritional supplement, Rats, Gelatin, Hydrolyzed collagen, Protein, Nutritional biological availability


NAVES, Maria Margareth Veloso; FERREIRA, Carla Cristina da Conceição; FREITAS, Cleire da Silva; SILVA, Maria Sebastiana. Avaliação da qualidade protéica de dois suplementos alimentares em ratos Wistar. Alimentos e Nutrição, Araquara, v. 17, n. 1, p. 35-42, jan./mar. 2006.