Quando a metodologia é a poética: experiências formativas na disciplina de estágio supervisionado em artes visuais

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Evandson Paiva Ferreira


This article shares the experience report of the methodological process developed in the course Supervised Internship in Visual Arts V, of the undergraduate course in Visual Arts, face-to-face learning, at the Visual Arts College in UFG, in the second semester of the school year of 2015. During the course, the development of educational projects, having as leitmotiv the methodological approach called Poetic Game was proposed to the group of students. ln this exercise, through the procedural analysis and the final reports of projects developed by the groups, we observed dialogical attitudes with regards to pedagogical, socio­cultural and insticutional dimensions of che immersion spaces. Similarly, chemes, content, arcistic languages and sharing forms were builc in groups, chrough a sensitive liscening to partners - teachers, students and friends - in the chosen spaces, that throughout the process, challenged and motivated the collective described in the desire to teaching.



Poética, Metodologia, Ensino de Artes, Formação docente, Poetry, Methodology, Arts education, Teacher training


SANTOS, Noeli Batista dos. Quando a metodologia é a poética: experiências formativas na disciplina de estágio supervisionado em artes visuais. Polyphonía, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 2, p. 696-707, jul./dez. 2016. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sv/article/view/44694/22094.