Ensino de dança e o desenvolvimento do potencial criativo

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Evandson Paiva Ferreira


With five questions based on five thematic axis that challenge the reader about "Dance Teaching and the Creative Potential Development", this paper offers pieces of research on dance teaching at school with the objective to presem the results and practical reports of these methodological possibilities in Brazil. Our aims were to think over the possibilities of creative potential development in Dance teaching through methodological teaching processes that include both creation and practice of Dance technique in regular education. The following questions guided our method: 1 - How can Dance be applied to learning processes in the Regular Basic Education? (Axis: Dance and Education); 2 -What are the Dance methodological possibilities chat foscer creative potential? (Axis: Development of the Creative Potential); 3 - How can a dance class effectively develop creative potential? (Axi: Dance lessons at School - Creativity and Expression); 4 - What can I show as results from experiences in Dance teaching? (Axis: Proving Practice: Results); 5 - What can I tell about my 20 years of experience as a licentiate in Dance? (Axis: Final Thoughts).



Dança, Ensino, Educação, Metodologia, Criatividade, Dance, Teaching, Education, Methodology, Creativity


FERRARI, Marina Gonçalves Barbieri. Ensino de dança e o desenvolvimento do potencial criativo. Polyphonía, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 2, p. 751-765, jul./dez. 2016. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sv/article/view/44700/22098.