Fine-needle aspiration biopsy for breast lesions: a comparison between two devices for obtaining cytological samples


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Fine-needle aspira- tion biopsy has been accepted worldwide for breast lesions. However, some questions remain, including the appropriateness of the puncture method. The objective of this work was to com- pare aspirates obtained by the auto-vacuum device and by the syringe pistol holder. DESIGN AND SETTING: Randomized trial for validation of diagnostic method, at Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás and Hospital Araújo Jorge, Goiânia. METHODS: 351 patients presenting breast lumps underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy, either with the auto-vacuum device or the syringe pistol holder. A single cytopathologist analyzed all of the cytology slides. The rates of insufficient mate- rial, cellularity, cell distortion and background hemorrhage were evaluated. RESULTS: The percentages of insufficient mate- rial were 16% and 22% (p = 0.18), for the auto-vacuum and pistol aspirates, respectively. Good cellularity was seen in 34% of auto- vacuum and 29% of pistol samples (p = 0.4). Cell distortion was seen in 31 and 26 cases, respectively (p = 0.7). Background hemor- rhage occurred in 63 (35%) and 54 cases (31%) (p = 0.2), for auto-vacuum and pistol. The sensitivity was 88% and 86%; specificity 99% and 100%, positive predictive value 96% and 100%, negative predictive value 96% and 95% and total accuracy 76% and 75% for the auto-vacuum and pistol, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results obtained from the two fine-needle aspiration biopsy methods were equivalent. Therefore, the auto-vacuum device is a good option for obtaining aspirates for cytology.



Breast neoplasms, Techniques, Biopsy, Diagnosis, Cytology


FREITA JÚNIOR, Ruffo; MOREIRA, Marise Amaral Rebouças; SOUZA, Gustavo Antônio de; HARDY, Ellen; PAULINELLI, Regis Resende. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy for breast lesions: as comparison between two devices for obtaining cytological samples. São Paulo Medical Journal, São Paulo, v. 123, n. 6, p. 27-276, 2005.