Investigation of the toxic potential of crude ethanol extract of Annona coriacea (araticum) seeds in acute exposed mice


In this study, Annona coriacea Mart., Annonaceae, was examined for possible toxic effects on brain, liver and kidney of mice exposed to crude extract of the seeds (CESAN) of this plant. CESAN was administered by gavage for four days at doses of 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg/day. Significant changes on liver were observed, which showed reduction in the number of hepatocytes per area and increase the apoptotic index in the exposed groups, and changes in the cytoplasm and nucleus of these cells and reduced consumption of water and feed in these animals. For the other studied areas, brain and kidneys showed no changes in the parameters used in this study. The results suggest hepatotoxic effects of CESAN, but without damage to brain and kidneys in this experiment, showing a toxic potential to this species, as to the Annonaceae family.



Annonaceae, Annona coriacea, Araticum, Hepatotoxicity, Plant toxicity


NASCIMENTO, Guilherme Nobre L. do ; VALADARES, Marize Campos ; NISHIJO, Hisao; AVERSI-FERREIRA, Tales Alexandre. Investigation of the toxic potential of crude ethanol extract of Annona coriacea (araticum) seeds in acute exposed mice. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, Curitiba, v. 22, n. 3, p. 580-586, May/June 2012.