Development and characterization of PLGA nanocapsules of grandisin isolated from Virola surinamensis: in vitro release and cytotoxicity studies


The most studied phyto constituent isolated from Virola surinamensis (Rol. ex Rottb.) Warb., Myristicaceae, is the tetrahydrofuran neolignan grandisin, which exhibits a series of biological activities, including trypanocidal, larvicidal and antitumoral. Due to its extremely low solubility, additional studies, including in vivo investigations are challenged by the diffi culties in the development of an effective drug delivery system for grandisin. The encapsulation in polymeric nanoparticles is a very attractive alternative for overcoming some of these limitations. In this work, PLGA nanocapsules loaded with grandisin were developed in an attempt to optimize the effi cacy of grandisin as an antitumoral drug, with high drug loading and effi ciency, prolonged drug release and increased physical-chemical stability. Mean diameter of the nanocapsules was lower than 200 nm, with very low polydispersity. Encapsulation effi ciency was above 90%. A sustained in vitro drug release was achieved for up to twenty days and cytotoxicity was markedly increased (IC50 for grandisin-NC and grandisin were 0.005 μM and 0.078 μM, respectively), indicating that polymeric nanocapsules are a potential drug delivery system for grandisin allowing the preparation of formulations viable for further in vivo studies.



Cytotoxicity, Grandisin, PLGA nanocapsules, Sustained release


STECANELLA, Luciano Aparecido et al. Development and characterization of PLGA nanocapsules of grandisinisolatedfrom Virolasurinamensis: in vitro release and cytotoxicity studies. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, Curitiba, v. 23, n. 1, p. 153-159, 2012.