Estudo aberto, multicêntrico de avaliação em médio prazo da eficácia anti-hipertensiva e tolerabilidade da combinação fixa de anlodipino e enalapril no tratamento de pacientes hipertensos primários estágios 1 e 2 – o estudo EMBATES


To confirm and expand previous observations, in a multicenter trial named EMBATES we evaluated the antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability of the fixed combination of amlodipine and enalapril given to 220 patients with stage 1 and 2 essential hypertension for 16 consecutive weeks, with recording of supine and standing blood pressure (BP), heart rate and adverse events every 4 weeks. For 40 patients we also provided ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) before and at week 16. We observed significant and progressive reduction of blood pressure that reached values of 134,7 ± 14,5/85,8±8,0 mmHg at week 16. Overall anti-hypertensive efficacy rate was 83,4% and 78,7% of the study population reached normal BP for the criteria of DBP ≤ 90 mmHg and 51,4% when normal BP criteria was considered as DBP ≤ 85 mmHg. These rates of antihypertensive efficacy were independent of patient’s age and presence or not of diabetes mellitus type 2 associated. ABPM confirm the antihypertensive effect during the 24 hours and the calculated trough to peak ratio was 91.3%. Tolerability profile was considered very good with very low incidence of adverse events that were mainly leg edema, cough and headache in general well tolerated with very low rate of medication withdrawal. In conclusion the fixed combination of amlodipine and enalapril constitute an excellent option for treatment of broad range of essential hypertensive patients.



Combinação fixa de anti-hipertensivos, Tolerabilidade, Anlodipino, Enalapril, Eficácia anti-hipertensiva, Fixed combination of antihypertensive drugs, Amlodipine, Tolerability, Enalapril, Antihypertensive efficacy


GOMES, Marco Antonio Mota; JARDIM, Paulo César V. B.; REIS, Altamiro; OIGMAN, Wille; KOHLMANN JR.,Osvaldo. Estudo aberto, multicêntrico de avaliação em médio prazo da eficácia anti-hipertensiva e tolerabilidade da combinação fixa de anlodipino e enalapril no tratamento de pacientes hipertensos primários estágios 1 e 2 - o estudo EMBATES. Revista Brasileira de Hipertensão, São Paulo, v. 12, supl. 1, p. 7-15, 2005.