Representação LGBT nos meios noticiosos: um estudo de caso de Pabllo Vittar

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


We start from the concepts of identity and difference in postmodernity, brand management strategies and consumer loyalty, so that we can analyze, in this work, seven stories published in the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper that depict the career of drag queen Pabllo Vittar to verify their place of speech according to their representation in the chosen journal. We seek to dissociate the news in order to categorize and understand Vittar's representation in this newspaper, in addition to observing their levels of authority for such subject, in which instance the artist is described as relevant. Thus, we use the concepts of postmodern authors such as Woodward (2012), Silva (2012), Louro (2009), among others, who work on culture and identity to understand the construction of possible identities in a constantly changing society. We cross the concepts of personal identity and brand in the XXI century within the globalization to arrive at the conclusion of the analyzes of the selected materials of Folha de S. Paulo. Our research in this monograph is composed by the method of case study, our instrument of collection was the documentary survey to use discourse analysis with the objective of understanding the speech space (s) of a drag queen in Brazilian society in the last 3 years.



Identidade, Representação, LGBT, Globalização, Marcas, Identity, Representation, LGBT, Globalization, Brands


FARIA, Felipe Queiroz. Representação LGBT nos meios noticiosos: um estudo de caso de Pabllo Vittar. 2018. 119 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.