Subjetividade e redes sociais: um estudo da marca Tô de Cacho

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The process of subjectivation is the constant unfolding by means of which the subjectivity is built. Subjectivity emerges in the social context, always between the limits of the subject and society. Biopower, a concept written by Foucault (2009), designates a form of power that acts on life, categorizing each person in society and shaping the subjectivity, always with the purpose of governing the subjects. Imbued with power is knowledge, which produces knowledge about what it governs, which, in turn, retains such a government. Knowledge is given through discourses and separation, implying that some knowledge is more valued than others. And this segregation of knowledge, along with the subjection that seeks to dominate subjectivity, acts on the body, treated in this work more specifically in the hair, as a form of control and around which a discourse divergent from the original is imposed. Subjectivity, however, doesn’t bend so easily in the face of biopower, on the contrary, it implies various forms of resistance and a redo which seeks to achieve the potentiality of being that is free of impositions socially procured. Thus, it was made the discourse analysis of the comments and the video on the same post in the social network of the "Tô de Cacho" brand, in order to identify the ways in which biopower acts in speeches and knowledge around hair. The analysis of the brand's discourse also resulted in the identification of support tools for the valorization of subjectivation by processes of the self and the original beauty of the frizzy and curly hair. It was possible to identify that the structure of functioning of this power, as far as hair is concerned, involves the family institution in the sense of pedagogy of straightening and the institutionalization in the work environment with the purpose of shaping subjectivity.



Biopoder, Subjetividade, Cabelo, Etnia, Redes sociais, Biopower, Subjectivity, Hair, Ethnicity, Social media


ROSA, Joyce Kathle Pereira. Subjetividade e redes sociais: um estudo da marca Tô de Cacho. 2018. 91 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.