A questão da vontade nas análises políticas de Nietzsche

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In Nietzsche’s analysis of politics there is something unusual in the philosophical treatment of this subject: the idea that power, exploration, control and violence are human impulses and thus are bonded to political action. Nietzsche understands the State as a result of these forces and as an instrument to sublimate them, instead of explaining it as a result of rationality that serves to the conservation of life. The jus naturalistic version of the State is, according to Nietzsche, a modern mistake that prevents the development of culture. By doing so, it prevents the artistic transfiguration of existence, the condition for human life not to be reduced to the struggle for life and to the satisfaction with well-being and satiety. Nietzsche evaluates slavery as the essence of every culture, and that in modern times it is hidden by the value given to labor. His attacks to politics aim especially at the goals of modern democratic politics, claiming for freedom, justice and equality. He thinks these ideas are a result of the morality inherited from Socratic and Christian thought and of the weakness in dealing with life.



Estado, Vontade, Cultura, State, Will, Culture


DELBÓ, Adriana. A questão da vontade nas análises políticas de Nietzsche. Trágica: estudos sobre Nietzsche, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 1, p. 1-19, 2009.